Fish Consumption: Average Meals per Month (1)
| 8 or more meals per month |
| 1 to 7 meals per month |
Beach Postings: Percent of Days Beach Posted as Unsafe for Swimming (2)
| Less than 5% of the time |
| 5 to 20% of the time |
| More than 20% of the time |
Treated Drinking Water: Number of Adverse Water Quality Incidents (3)
| 0 |
| N/A |
Benthic Community: Quality (5)
| High Quality |
| Moderate Quality |
| Low Quality |
Water Quality: Exceedances in Provincial/Federal Guidelines (6)
| No Exceedances |
| 1 Exceedance |
Sediment Quality: Exceedances in Provincial/Federal Guidelines (7)
| Contaminants not at levels of concern |
| PCBs > No Effect Level |
| PCBs > No Effect Level; Organochlorine Pesticides > Probable Effect Level |
| PCBs > No Effect Level; PAH > Probable Effect Level |
| Metals > Severe Effect Level |
Littoral Barriers: Shore perpendicular structures (9)
Coastal Processes: Shoreline Type (10)
| Hardened |
| Natural |
Coastal Processes: Tributary Connectivity (11)
| Low Stress (>75%) |
| Moderate Stress (25-75%) |
| High Stress (<25%) |
Dissolved Oxygen: Observed Concentrations (Lake Erie only) (13)
| Sample is greater than 6 mg/L |
| Sample is between 2 and 6 mg/L |
Cyanobacteria: Presence of Blooms (14)
Cladophora: Extent of Nuisance Algae (15)
| Less than 20.00% coverage |
| 20.01% to 35.00% coverage |
| 35.01% coverage |
Great Lakes Nearshore Cumulative Stress (16)