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snippet: The purpose of this map is to show the results of a cumulative effects assessment of Canadian Great Lakes nearshore waters.
summary: The purpose of this map is to show the results of a cumulative effects assessment of Canadian Great Lakes nearshore waters.
extent: [[-91.3627960752514,40.252486337483],[-72.7190893536481,50.892734788747]]
accessInformation: ECCC
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Water quality and ecosystem health data used to conduct a cumulative effects assessment of Canadian Great Lakes nearshore waters in support of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement are included in this dataset. The data was collected by various government and non-government agencies and organizations and integrated into this dataset to allow the assessment to be conducted. By conducting a regular, systematic assessment of cumulative effects in the nearshore waters of the Great Lakes Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is able to identify areas of high quality and areas under stress. Knowledge of ecological thresholds, other Great Lakes assessments, stressor information, indicators and local and traditional ecological knowledge will be used to aid in: 1) the identification and mapping of high quality nearshore areas and areas that are or may become subject to high stress and; 2) the determination of factors and cumulative effects that are causing stress or threats. Cumulative effects impacting the nearshore and future threats to areas of high ecological value will be better understood and the knowledge shared will assist in priority setting for science and management at a meaningful and practical spatial scale within each Great Lake and connecting channel.
licenseInfo: Open Government Licence - Canada (
title: Great Lakes Nearshore Cumulative Stress
type: Map Service
tags: ["Great Lakes","nearshore","water quality","ecosystem health","cumulative stress"]
culture: en-CA
name: GreatLakesNearshoreStress
guid: 31285F57-1A00-491B-BC9A-0385B0C417AA
spatialReference: NAD_1983_Canada_Atlas_Lambert