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Home > services > CWS_SCF > AtlasSeabirdsEasternCanada (MapServer) > Storm-Petrels - Density by taxonomic groups - December to March > iteminfo | Help | API Reference |
snippet: | The density maps present average seabird densities by taxonomic groups and their percent coefficient of variation per 100km hexagonal cells. |
summary: | The density maps present average seabird densities by taxonomic groups and their percent coefficient of variation per 100km hexagonal cells. |
accessInformation: | Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service (2022) Atlas of Seabirds at Sea in Eastern Canada. |
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maxScale: | 625000 |
typeKeywords: | [] |
description: | <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The atlas provides maps and datasets representing seabirds at-sea densities in eastern Canada. Data were collected using ships of opportunity surveys and therefore spatial and seasonal coverage varies considerably. Densities are computed using distance sampling to adjust for variation in detection rates among observers and survey conditions. Depending on conditions, seabirds can be difficult to identify at the species level.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The density maps present average seabird densities and their percent coefficient of variation per 100km hexagonal cells.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>One map was created for each taxonomic groups by periods. Seabird densities were classified using a k-means scheme to ensure areas with the highest densities always clearly standup on each map. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
licenseInfo: | <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Open Government Licence - Canada (</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV> |
catalogPath: | |
title: | Birds density by Groups |
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tags: | ["oiseau marin","seabird","sea","mer","effort d'inventaire","inventory effort","densité d'oiseau","bird density","espèce","espece","Alcidé","Alcid","Gull","Goéland","Jaegers","Petit labbe","murres","murre","guillemot marmette","guillemot de Brunnich","guillemot de Brünnich","phalarope","phalarope","shearwater","puffin","storm-petrel","oceanite","océanite","tern","sterne","skuas","grand labbe","labbe","atlantic puffin","macareux moine","black guillemot","guillemot marmette","cory's shearwater","puffin cendré","puffin cendre","common tern","sterne pierregarin","dovekie","mergule nain","great black-backed gull","goéland bourgmestre","great shearwater","puffin majeur","shearwater","herring gull","goeland","goéland","goéland argenté","goeland argente","iceland gull","goéland arctique","goeland arctique","leach's storm-petrel","océanite cul-blanc","long-tailed jaeger","jaeger","labbe","labbe à longue queue","manx shearwater","puffin des anglais","northern fulmar","fulmar boréal","fulmar","northern gannet","fou de bassan","pomarine jaeger","labbe pomarin","raxorbill","petit pingouin","ring-billed gull","gull","goéland à bec cerclé","red phalarope","phalarope à bec large","red-throated loon","plongeon catmarin","sooty shearwater","puffin fuligineux","thick-billed murre","guillemot de brünnich","wilson's storm petrel","océanite de wilson","black-legged kittiwake","mouette tridactyle","bonaparte's gull","mouette de bonaparte","common loon ","plongeon huard","devekie","mergule nain"] |
culture: | en-CA |
name: | |
guid: | |
minScale: | 150000000 |
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